/ 8000 merkkiä käytetty
9467 - 11.8.2012 (arvosana: -76)

Perkele, could someone please explain that why the bloody hell are you finns so terribly grumpy all the time? I suppose it's just the way you are, but it would be nice to see a smile on a passer's face every now and then, yeah? I fancy your country and all the people that i've actually met and talked to have been real darlings but even the saleslady looked like she'd just swallowed something sour when i did nothing more than said "hello" and "thank you very much" and smiled! Maybe she just had something against the fact that I happen to be an english person who speaks english and not finnish? KIITOS JA KUMARRUS! :D (oh and upkeepers, anteeksi if english is a problem :D)
- juodaan viinaa tullaan viisaammiksi näin XD


98PEETU kirjoitti...
lol joku suomalainen vaan trollaa.

Maestro kirjoitti...
That's how most of the Finnish folks tends to be. Trying to pass cash register with less words as possible and look emotionless. That's not always the case, of course.

We just don't want to pretend being happy all the time. :)


merkkiä jäljellä.


Spämmiesto: Mikä eläin sanoo "hau hau"?

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